"Arts On The Block gives the community a chance to look for beauty in unexpected places. Working with the Arts On The Block family taught me so much about perspective, communication, and teamwork. Without those things, how can any community - let alone an individual - hope to grow and prosper?"
"While enriching me with knowledge and skills necessary to be an artist and a decent human, I feel that I, in turn, have enriched the AOTB family with my unique outlook on life. From my inquisitive mind bubbles questions which remind us all that it's okay to step outside the box. With my introspection, can decide when it might not be such a great idea. My love of literature and of writing has allowed me to inspire and share knowledge with my fellow alumni."
Malia Rollins | Stevenson University Student - English & Film Making | AOB Alumna

"Arts on the Block creates leaders who have the passion and drive to affect change in their communities. I enrich Arts on the Block by continuing to be a liaison between the organization and community I teach in."
Aselin Lands | Artist | Educator | AOB Alumna

"AOB enriches the world by lifting up the power of art and creativity to connect, empower, and transform individuals and communities. IMPACT enriches AOB by being in solidarity with its asset-based, consciousness-raising approach to making a difference."
Lanita Whitehurst | Senior Network Coach, IMPACT Silver Spring | AOB Partner

"AOB enriches this world by providing young people with the tools and opportunities to bring out their artistic skills. The Common Ground Program success was part due to AOB collaborating with us in helping our youth and families share their stories, their struggles, their gifts and cultures through visual arts. I don't think I enrich AOB, I'm just the voice of the CAQT community. Anyone whose mission is to improve the quality of life of people through any avenues I'm all eyes and ears."
Lucia Mejia | Outreach Coordinator, YMCA Youth and Family Services | AOB Partner

"Arts on the Block is like a community of creative people working together to enrich our community and its youth through art. I am lucky to be one of those amazing creative people serving students in East County :)"
Anjali Madan Wells (L) | Art Educator | Site Director, Explore-Create-Connect at Briggs Chaney Middle School
Tamitha Campbell, EdD (C) | Principal, Briggs Chaney Middle School | AOB Partner
Natasha Booms (R) | Vice Principal, Briggs Chaney Middle School | AOB Partner

“Arts on the Block continuously strives to go beyond the surface in matters of building community. I was recently hired to solely facilitate these matters because the work requires a positive attitude, big ideas, occasional fearlessness, and the ability to find the humor in the things that we consider to be tough topics.”
Michelle Faulkner-Forson | AOB Community Arts Coordinator | Filmaker

“Arts on the Block is the opportunity that I wish would have been available to me growing up. The chance to create in a safe space; to be part of something that is truly transformative; to meet working artists and learn about everything from art history to basic color theory; and to be empowered with the ability to create something wonderful… Arts on the Block. Wow.
I know all of the stats and outcomes of the programs because I do the writing for many of the grants, but I am at a loss for words in communicating the impact the organization has had (and continues to have) on our communities and the people who live in them, myself included. I look forward to the day when I come across an article/interview/exhibition/presentation/etc. and quietly say to myself, “Rad! That’s one of our amazing AOB kids making a difference and changing the world!”. And I know that one day, that'll happen.”
Veronica Sloan | AOB Communication Specialist

“My heart found rest when my amazing and talented son, who previously couldn't accept the mantle of ‘artist’ began to claim his seat at that table after he became a PYAO apprentice.
Now, as a member of the AOB community, I get to enrich this work by building great relationships that make magic in the lives of the youth who come through our doors."
Dawn Goodman Washington | AOB Communication & Development Director

"I'd say Arts on the Block enriches this world by showing the different art styles and by showing the world that you can be unique in your own ways. I enrich the Arts on the Block program from everyone helping me to become a better artist and an awesome friend. I’d rather be unique than perfect because being unique means I can be myself and be proud of it!"
Anthony Wren | PYAO-DC Art Apprentice (2014-2017)

"Arts on the Block enriches the world through the connections it makes while preparing young artists to go forth and spread art. These connections have built up a network of artists, businesses, and nonprofits that all work towards the goal of helping our communities youth.
I enrich Arts on the Block by challenging apprentices to better understand their role as artists, how they view the world, and their place in it. My goal is always to change their perception of what they are capable of achieving."
Athena Corbin | Artist | PYAO-DC Associate Teaching Artist | AOB Alumna

"Arts on the Block enriches the world by unlocking young people's creative potential. I enrich Arts on the Block with my creative expertise and nurturing spirit."
Adjoa Burrowes | Artist | PYAO-DC Lead Teaching Artist

"Beyond the beauty of the public art created by our youth, AOB leaves a lasting imprint on our world through enriching the lives of the youth who pass through our programs. As a professional artist, it is a privilege to share my experience with the amazing apprentices of PYAO."
Kristine Aono | Artist | PYAO-MC Lead Teaching Artist

“Arts on the Block enriches the environment by displaying mosaics created by the youth, and training the youth to be ready in life and letting them understand that art can always be incorporated in life, no matter where they are heading. I enrich Arts on the Block with my technology capabilities and being able to relate to the youth as someone practicing art. Although I am heading into an art career, I still have interests in other careers that do not pertain to the art field.”
Julia Davenport | Artist | PYAO-MC Assistant Teaching Artist | AOB Alumna

“Arts on the Block enriches the world around us by making it possible for youth to realize their own creative visions that then result into real and tangible works of art. Being able to do that professionally at that age, leaving behind proof of ingenuity and teamwork in the artworks themselves, inspired me to work for
a future of similar opportunities.
In my time as an apprentice, I remember enriching AOB by putting my ideas out there and speaking up. It was difficult at first since I was quite shy, but I was able to get out design ideas that ended up being chosen to be the final design for a commission. It was a very rewarding experience that inspired me to give all my effort to collaborate with those around me to bring those designs to life.”
Jennifer Erazo | Towson University Student | AOB Alumna

“AOB has impacted my life, because they are the only program that I have been to that wanted me to come back. It is probably one of the only programs I will be cool with coming back to. I meet a lot of cool people here. So, I know AOB will have a good impact in the community.”
Edwin Henriquez | Completing GED | PYAO Apprentice

"Arts on the Block enriches the world by offering so many introductory opportunities for young people to explore their creative interests and passions. I enrich Arts on the Block by sharing my experiences with others through teaching and creating art. I understand the value of the arts and I am thankful to all the people I learn from. They open doors."
Natalie Ramirez | Art Educator | AOB Alumna

"Arts on the Block is a unique and safe creative space for the young artist to develop a sense of their artistic selves, thrive creatively and develop an understanding of enriching their communities through the arts."
Carien Quiroga | Founding AOB Artist | Educator | Excel Beyond the Bell Lead Teaching Artist

“Arts on the Block recognizes, validates, and celebrates young artists by giving them a platform to share their talent. I helped create Community pARTnerships because I believe in every individual’s creativity and power to positively impact their community.”
Jessica Aguero | Former AOB VISTA Member | Website Designer

Moises Alexander Rodriguez | PYAO Alum

"AOB enriches the world by investing in youth. AOB has now reached the point where it can see the fruits of its labor across generations. I enrich Arts on the Block by simply being awesome. Showing the world that you can live off of your art is having your cake and eating it too."
Victoria Gregg | Filmmaker | M.B.A. | AOB Alumna